Appointment of Philippe YEVDOCHENKO as Sales Director

Batiment CELESTE

CELESTE announces the appointment of Philippe YEVDOCHENKO as Sales Director

Champs-sur-Marne, September 5, 2023.

CELESTE, the fiber and cloud operator dedicated to businesses, announces the appointment of Philippe YEVDOCHENKO as Sales Director to support its development and consolidate its presence in the corporate telecoms segment.

Philippe YEVDOCHENKO - Direction commerciale
At the head of the Sales Department, Philippe YEVDOCHENKO leads a team responsible for developing direct and indirect sales channels. His appointment confirms CELESTE’s commitment to improving the efficiency of its sales force and meeting the needs of companies in terms of Very High Speed, security and data hosting. Philippe YEVDOCHENKO and his team will have the main mission to support companies and communities in their transition to fiber, for their Internet connections and telephony solutions. He will also have to promote the adoption of the cloud to improve the productivity and resilience of organisations.

The last part of his mission will consist in the consolidation of indirect sales with, in particular, the implementation of a real certification program promoting the support of partners, the enhancement of their skills and their commitment.

Philippe YEVDOCHENKO, with nearly 30 years of experience in the IT, office automation and telecom sectors, is a specialist in B2B commercial management and network animation. He held the positions of Director of Indirect Sales at Ricoh France, then Director of Key Account Sales at ICON Office Solutions. Before joining CELESTE last March, he was Corporate Sales Director at Coriolis Telecom for 9 years.

His in-depth knowledge of telecoms (optic fiber, SD-Wan…), cloud and IT security and his expertise, are all assets to support CELESTE’s growth ambitions.

« I am delighted to join CELESTE, a leading company in the telecoms for businesses sector. It has its own infrastructure and is part of an eco-responsible approach. CELESTE is an agile and innovative company, which offers a complete and integrated offer (fiber, cloud, cybersecurity). With my team, we will strengthen the proximity with our end customers and support our partners on a daily basis. ».

Philippe YEVDOCHENKO will report to Nicolas AUBE and joins the CELESTE Management Committee.

⇒ FR version of the press release

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